Christian Book Reviews hosteb by Bring It On! communications

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

“I had allowed myself to fall back into the same cycle of nagging and shouting at my children."

God’s Promises for Families, Noelene Curry

Review By: Twianna

Book Synopsis:
Could it be that we, as adults, often undermine God’s love for our children and limit His presence in their lives because of our own hurts and pain? In desperate times where broken families, teen suicide, abortion, AIDS, and other issues are on the rise, how can you raise your children to be Godly, yet not religious, and teach them to have a healthy long-lasting relationship in their marriage? In God’s Promise for Families, author Noelene Curry gives practical advice on how to raise children to with a deep sense of their own value and worth and how to teach them that God loves them and rejoices over them. She emphasizes some practical Biblical ways to discipline and pray for your children as they seek after God’s presence in their own lives.
My thoughts:
I really enjoyed reading this book and I could relate to the author as a mother. Noelene has written this book in a practical way that can relate to anyone with children and teenagers. In the book she covers topics such as:
Children are a Blessing, Despite what we think
Choosing God
Our Obedience
God’s Assurances
Marriage based on God
Our Value Reflected through God’s eyes
I can relate to Noelene’s exerpt from the book, “I had allowed myself to fall back into the same cycle of nagging and shouting at my children. Instead of immediately taking control of a situation, I had allowed their behavior to carry on until I lost my temper then blamed them for making me lose it”.
When I read this statement I laughed, because I can totally see myself in this position. How often to we become preoccupied with other tasks and ignore the issues in front of us thinking it will go away or the problem will resolve itself. I find I have to be actively engaged with my children and when I am not they notice. There is so much information and this book God’s Promises for Families offers a unique Christian perspective on dealing with issues in your home and in your marriage. I believe it will encourage and inspire you and offers good quality Godly advise to help strengthen your home. One thing that Noelene stated in her book is that “Christians often come under attack through various forms whether it be emotional, spiritual or a physical attack. It is during this time when we must ask God to increase our faith. We need to constantly listen to what God wants to say to us when we sincerely seek His will and answer for us.”
I couldn’t agree more! During the tests and trials that we go through as a believer in Christ instead of leaning, trusting and depending on the Lord to help us through the situations we go the opposite direction. It is during this time that we need to pray and exercise our faith and God is so faithful He is just waiting to show Himself strong on our behalf. I enjoyed reading this book and I am sure that you will too. You will laugh and cry and gain a deeper understanding of family from God’s perspective.

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